

  • (144)

Donec cursus, tortor vel efficitur finibus, velit nisl iaculis lorem, a rhoncus erat risus id massa. Nulla blandit, eros a pretium malesuada, quam elit pretium nunc, eget placerat ligula quam eget urna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce egestas nisi mauris, mattis mollis nisl malesuada ac. Ut feugiat, velit ac dictum tempor, nibh massa porttitor enim, vel accumsan nunc ligula eu eros. Vivamus ut mauris consectetur, porta quam eget, placerat urna.

Version History
  • A major improvement to Inbox that will be rolled out in phases.
  • When you add a mail to a Connected App, it will also have a link to open the conversation in Newton on any device.
  • Notifications will be cleared for emails that are read in the app.
  • Tidy Inbox bugs are fixed. You can now archive mails from Low Priority folders in Gmail accounts.
  • Fixed crashes and squashed some annoying bugs.
  • The Paper Plane now has the thrust to take you to the next orbit.
  • Disable signature for reply. The first reply will have the signature however, you can choose to disable it for subsequent replies
  • Fixed connection issue in iPhone where new emails were not showing until the app was killed.
  • Issues with replying to an email that has more than 30 inline attachments. Fixed.